La venta de ropa mejora la eficacia de las recompensas

Read how this retail clothing giant with almost 200k employees worldwide enriched its rewards and recognition program with Xoxoday's user-friendly solutions.


Nuestro cliente es una de las mayores empresas de moda del mundo con más de 171.000 empleados en todo el mundo. Ofrece moda y calidad al mejor precio y de forma sostenible y con nuestra rápida expansión siempre estamos buscando nuevos talentos. El grupo está formado por nueve marcas independientes con 4.900 tiendas en más de 73 localidades.


Nuestro cliente tiene un sistema bien gestionado y desarrollado internamente para su proceso de gestión de recursos humanos. Sólo con la implementación de su vertical de recompensas para empleados se enfrentó a múltiples desafíos. 

El primero de los retos era que sólo existía la modalidad de recompensas en efectivo y este efectivo de recompensa se distribuía junto con el salario del empleado. Esta modalidad de recompensas en efectivo no permitía al empleado recibir la totalidad del valor de la recompensa, debido a una tasa impositiva fija que se aplicaba sobre el importe de la recompensa. 

La distribución del importe de la recompensa sobre el salario del empleado también imponía complicaciones logísticas. Cada vez que se premiaba a un empleado, era un proceso tedioso de coordinar con varios equipos: el equipo de procesamiento de salarios, los ganadores y el equipo de RRHH-PP.

El siguiente de los retos estaba relacionado con los empleados in situ que recibían las recompensas. El valor de las recompensas se redujo debido a los tipos de conversión y a los impuestos aplicables, lo que redujo el valor real de las recompensas.

El proceso de evaluación

The HR team at our client conducts employee surveys every six months to understand the requirements of the employees. The reward mechanism came up as an issue during these surveys. The HR team contrived a solution of creating point-based rewards to resolve this issue. The following were the reasons for our client to choose Xoxoday Empuls:

1. Excelente servicio al cliente

Xoxoday had a track record of excellent customer service with another business unit. Our client conducted a pilot run during which Xoxoday excelled in their customer responses and services.

2. Una solución sencilla y fácil de usar

Xoxoday's solution was simple and it made the rewards process highly efficient. The multistep overheads related to reward allocation, tax processing, salary processing, etc., reduced to a maximum of two steps for reward allocation.

3. Un mecanismo de recompensa que sea global

The points mechanism and support for multiple currencies made Xoxoday highly convenient for international rewarding. Since a considerable number of our client employees are appointed overseas- they needed a solution that accommodated their expat employees.

"Our employees really like the Xoxoday rewarding process. The customer service that they offer is exceptional and commendable. That was the most important criteria for us to decide on them."

Socio comercial de recursos humanos


Múltiples opciones de recompensa

The point-based rewarding process of Xoxoday is now used for multiple kinds of rewards - performance based winners, tenure awards, managers and team awards. From just having cash as a reward option, Xoxoday provided a wide variety of rewarding and redemption options across these categories of rewards. With experiences, gift vouchers and perks, the employees could redeem their rewards in a category of their choice. Resultantly, the overall participation in reward programs increased over the implementation both of the off-site and on-site employees.

Ahorro de impuestos en las recompensas

Our clients employees were losing out on a considerable portion on their rewards when a flat tax was applied. With Xoxoday, they get an exemption in tax to a predefined limit. This allows them to receive and redeem the full amount of reward points.

Aumento de la eficacia de las recompensas: el 52% de los empleados nominados

The rewarding process has grown much simpler through the use of the Xoxoday Empuls, reducing the many steps of interdepartmental coordination that the HR team had to do. This process simplification has also led to an increased number of peer to peer and manager nominations and rewarding - 52% of all the employees have been nominated in the last FY and out of which 10% have won awards.

Facilidad de recompensa in situ

The onsite employees can easily be rewarded using Xoxoday through the use of points that can be easily customized as per the currency. Depending on the conversion rates, the reward points could be equated to a higher denomination - as per the discretion of the HR team. The catalogue, too, supports all the countries our client has operations in - that enables the employees to easily redeem their points as per their interests and geography. This has also resulted in a significant increase in the participation of on-site employees.

Our client conducts "litmus score" tests - which are employee surveys that determine the efficiency of the HR initiatives and leads to decide the initiative targets for the HR team for the next quarter. These litmus tests have proven that a majority of the employees of our client are in favor of the Xoxoday program. The HR team also received direct responses from employees that spoke of its advantages. Xoxoday Empuls has truly improved the way and the efficiencies of rewarding our client.

La venta de ropa mejora la eficacia de las recompensas


Nuestro cliente es una de las mayores empresas de moda del mundo con más de 171.000 empleados en todo el mundo. Ofrece moda y calidad al mejor precio y de forma sostenible y con nuestra rápida expansión siempre estamos buscando nuevos talentos. El grupo está formado por nueve marcas independientes con 4.900 tiendas en más de 73 localidades.


Nuestro cliente tiene un sistema bien gestionado y desarrollado internamente para su proceso de gestión de recursos humanos. Sólo con la implementación de su vertical de recompensas para empleados se enfrentó a múltiples desafíos. 

El primero de los retos era que sólo existía la modalidad de recompensas en efectivo y este efectivo de recompensa se distribuía junto con el salario del empleado. Esta modalidad de recompensas en efectivo no permitía al empleado recibir la totalidad del valor de la recompensa, debido a una tasa impositiva fija que se aplicaba sobre el importe de la recompensa. 

La distribución del importe de la recompensa sobre el salario del empleado también imponía complicaciones logísticas. Cada vez que se premiaba a un empleado, era un proceso tedioso de coordinar con varios equipos: el equipo de procesamiento de salarios, los ganadores y el equipo de RRHH-PP.

El siguiente de los retos estaba relacionado con los empleados in situ que recibían las recompensas. El valor de las recompensas se redujo debido a los tipos de conversión y a los impuestos aplicables, lo que redujo el valor real de las recompensas.

El proceso de evaluación

The HR team at our client conducts employee surveys every six months to understand the requirements of the employees. The reward mechanism came up as an issue during these surveys. The HR team contrived a solution of creating point-based rewards to resolve this issue. The following were the reasons for our client to choose Xoxoday Empuls:

1. Excelente servicio al cliente

Xoxoday had a track record of excellent customer service with another business unit. Our client conducted a pilot run during which Xoxoday excelled in their customer responses and services.

2. Una solución sencilla y fácil de usar

Xoxoday's solution was simple and it made the rewards process highly efficient. The multistep overheads related to reward allocation, tax processing, salary processing, etc., reduced to a maximum of two steps for reward allocation.

3. Un mecanismo de recompensa que sea global

The points mechanism and support for multiple currencies made Xoxoday highly convenient for international rewarding. Since a considerable number of our client employees are appointed overseas- they needed a solution that accommodated their expat employees.

"Our employees really like the Xoxoday rewarding process. The customer service that they offer is exceptional and commendable. That was the most important criteria for us to decide on them."

Socio comercial de recursos humanos


Múltiples opciones de recompensa

The point-based rewarding process of Xoxoday is now used for multiple kinds of rewards - performance based winners, tenure awards, managers and team awards. From just having cash as a reward option, Xoxoday provided a wide variety of rewarding and redemption options across these categories of rewards. With experiences, gift vouchers and perks, the employees could redeem their rewards in a category of their choice. Resultantly, the overall participation in reward programs increased over the implementation both of the off-site and on-site employees.

Ahorro de impuestos en las recompensas

Our clients employees were losing out on a considerable portion on their rewards when a flat tax was applied. With Xoxoday, they get an exemption in tax to a predefined limit. This allows them to receive and redeem the full amount of reward points.

Aumento de la eficacia de las recompensas: el 52% de los empleados nominados

The rewarding process has grown much simpler through the use of the Xoxoday Empuls, reducing the many steps of interdepartmental coordination that the HR team had to do. This process simplification has also led to an increased number of peer to peer and manager nominations and rewarding - 52% of all the employees have been nominated in the last FY and out of which 10% have won awards.

Facilidad de recompensa in situ

The onsite employees can easily be rewarded using Xoxoday through the use of points that can be easily customized as per the currency. Depending on the conversion rates, the reward points could be equated to a higher denomination - as per the discretion of the HR team. The catalogue, too, supports all the countries our client has operations in - that enables the employees to easily redeem their points as per their interests and geography. This has also resulted in a significant increase in the participation of on-site employees.

Our client conducts "litmus score" tests - which are employee surveys that determine the efficiency of the HR initiatives and leads to decide the initiative targets for the HR team for the next quarter. These litmus tests have proven that a majority of the employees of our client are in favor of the Xoxoday program. The HR team also received direct responses from employees that spoke of its advantages. Xoxoday Empuls has truly improved the way and the efficiencies of rewarding our client.